A BEAUTIFUL Way To Document Your Pregnancy

There is just something about the quick print and color tones of a polaroid picture that is so satisfying. When I was younger, and honestly still to this day one of my favorite things to do when I visit my Grandma’s house was to explore through her photo books. Sitting on the sofa cuddled up with a cup of tea, flipping the pages and looking at pictures that ignite memories and conversation. This past year I started a practice of consistently taking a picture whenever I seen a special moment. In 2022 I was pregnant and we welcomed our son into the world, so it was a pretty busy and joyous year, hence the amount of pictures. The moment doesn’t always have to be as “special” as you think it has to be. Sometimes it is just a selfie together or of a mundane task, but that little film strip will take you back to that happy moment and make you smile. As a new mother, now more than ever I realize how quickly time passes us by as our son is literally sprouting in before of my eyes. This is a wonderful way to preserve and keep those memories close.

I use the Fujifilm Instax Mini 40. I find it works better in darker settings rather than daylight or bright scenes. If you don’t have a camera yet and still deciding, the first thing to decide is if you want a rectangle image liek these (4.33 x 3.74) or a square. The Fujifilm Instsax Mini 11 is also a great (newer) camera that i’ve used before that uses the same rectangle film. The square film is a tad bit more in price overall. Through the year I toss them in a marble vessel that sits on display. This also creates a nice talking piece to your home when you have company over. At the end of the year I organized them (very) roughly on the time they were took into this magnetic photo album. Hopefully one day my kids and kids kids will enjoy flipping through these little keepsakes as I did so much as a kid.

Polaroid Camera / Film / Photo Album / Marble Bowl


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