We Are Homeowners!


It feels surreal to finally be typing this… we are finally homeowners! A few months ago our apartment complex increased the rent by 20% so we decided it was the right time to invest in a home; this gave us the final push. So we gave our notice for the end of October, the searching began around the end of August. We gave ourselves a timeline of having to find something by the end of September considering closing and moving. In the final hour, things fell into place, only 2 days to spare… The house certainly isn’t what I imagined our first home to be. I imagined some dreamy New England abode with bold architectural features, or at least a few strong features that I could play with design wise. Something dreamy and insiring. But as life goes, you have to work with what you have, and within our timeline this is the best option that checked off most of our “must have” boxes. The house was actually on the market for about 70 days; every time we would feel down or discouraged Paul would send me this house and I said I didn’t want to look at it because the design did not intrigue me at all, and it looked like a monstrosity of a house. Last week we had put in an offer on a different house and was beat out. As we were approaching the final hour in our timeline before we had to start looking for an air BnB to stay in November I finally agreed to seeing the house. After seeing the space I decided that it was something that I could work with, design wise, and we loved how much square footage the house has compared to the other houses that we’ve seen in our price range. The reason why the house has been on the market for so long in this market is that the driveway is slopped, but its not terrible and something that I think we can get used to. Having lived in Vancouver this is a very normal thing to have. Also the yard is small, and a bit sloped. Of course we dreamt of a big yard for Max to play in but, weighing the pros and cons we decided it makes sense for our family right now, and it’s not our forever house, so we decided to go for it. It is also in a beach town that Paul grew up in, so having Max grow up in the same town is a special, full circle feeling. Of course i’m already dreaming up design plans, but for now the house is livable - slowly everything will be redone. I am soooo excited to share all of our plans and the design process with you guys! Here I will be referring to the house as River Street house. Full house tour to come.. but for now the packing begins!

xo Nicole


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